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Scott, your ability to create evocative settings from your extensive experience with folklore and then marry those ideas to mechanics is such a gift. Well done!

Thanks so much bud


In a world of 3 stats rules lite OSRs, I needed a 4 stats one. What you did here is lovely. Also, I liked the mixing of typical mages and clerics in a single class.
I'll love to see this system in different settings too (scifi, postapocalyptic, modern). 
Great work, Scott!

Thanks for your support Ezequiel


Really cool game! Along with its super slim rules, what excites me about the game is its setting and tone! 


Same for me. The setting and tone speak to me!

It reads [[ You have three abilities: Might: Physical strength. Add to melee attacks, damage rolls and hit points. Dexterity: Nimbleness and speed. Add to ranged attacks and AC. Mind: Knowledge of lore. Add to initiative. Charisma: Attractiveness and way with words. ]]. But this is Four? Are we supposed to select three of the four?


Four - thanks for the catch. It was originally three.